.RU Domain Name Rules/Requirements

Domain Name related Rules

Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)

  • REKANHOSTING.COM provides Domain Registration under both:

    • 2nd Level: .RU

    • 3rd Level: .COM.RU, .NET.RU, .ORG.RU

  • Domain Theft Protection feature is not supported for .RU domain names.

    Additional Information

    Protecting a Domain Name

  • For Resellers: Both Lock and Suspension features are supported for .RU domain names. Though Locking and/or Suspending a .RU domain name would not prevent Transferring it.

    However, Bulk Lock / Unlock and Bulk Suspend / Unsuspend features are not supported for .RU domain names.

  • Move (push) feature is supported for .RU domain names. However, Bulk Move is not supported.


    If the registrant contact of the .RU domain is associated with multiple other .RU domains, you will be unable to move the domain to another customer account.

  • If for any reason you need to Delete your domain name, you need to submit the following documentation to Registrar RU-Center via Postal Mail at RU-CENTER, P.O. Box 123308, 2/1, 3d Khoroshevskaya str., Moscow, Russia:

    • For Organization Contact: Submit a letter in the prescribed manner on the Organization's Letterhead, signed by the head of the Organization.

      If the letter is signed by someone, acting on the basis of other documents (warrant), then the letter should be written on behalf of this person, with indication of his authority (position, surname, name) and also indicate the number and date of the document, confirming his authority. A copy of the warrant should also be attached to the letter. See details

    • For Individual Contact: Submit a letter in the prescribed manner to Registrar RU-Center. See details

  • Upon deletion, the .RU domain name becomes available for Registration immediately. The domain name does not enter Redemption Grace Period.

    Additional Information

    What is Redemption Grace Period?

Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)

  • A .RU domain name can be Registered for only 1 year.

  • .RU domain name Registration takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

  • Upon registering a .RU domain name, the Registrant of the domain name receives an email from Registrar RU-Center confirming the registration.

  • A .RU domain name does not have a Money Back Grace Period.

  • The Bulk Registration feature is not available for .RU domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Registration

  • .RU domain names do not support Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).

Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)

  • A .RU domain name can be Renewed for only 1 year.

  • You can not Renew your .RU domain name until 60 days prior to it's Expiry.

  • Upon Expiry of a .RU domain name:

    • any service such as email, website, etc., configured for this domain name would stop functioning, until the domain name is Renewed.

    • if the .RU domain name is not Renewed until 30 days, the domain name would get Deleted and would immediately be available for Registration.

Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)

  • Transferring a .RU domain name to REKANHOSTING.COM is free of cost.

  • Transfer does not include a 1 year Renewal of a .RU domain name.

  • 2nd Level .RU domain names have a 30-Day Transfer Lock placed on them after they are Transferred from another Registrar.

    3rd Level .RU domain names can not be Transferred among Registrars.

  • There is no Transfer Lock applicable to both 2nd Level and 3rd Level .RU domain names, when Transferring domain names between Registrar RU-Center andany of their Partners.

  • .RU domain names do not have a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code.

    However, there is a NIC-D Handle and Password (Anchor: password) needed to Transfer Away your domain name to Registrar RU-Center. Follow the below mentioned instructions to retrieve this:

    1. Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Order Information view. See details

    2. Click the Contact Details link.

    3. Click the Registrant Information link.

    4. This information is listed in the NIC-D Handle and Contact Password textboxes, respectively.

  • Upon placing a Transfer request for your .RU domain name with REKANHOSTING.COM, we would email the Customer with instructions for completing the Transfer. The Transfer involves submitting documentation to Registrar RU-Center. If the Transfer is not completed within 30 days, the domain name will continue being registered with the current Registrar/Partner.

  • The Bulk Transfer feature is not available for .RU domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Transfer

Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)

  • .RU domain names use the .RU Contact Contact database in the system.

    .RU domain names have a single Contact - Registrant Contact

  • While registering a .RU domain name, you need to provide the following additional details about the Registrant:

    • For Organization:

      • Legal Address: This needs to include a minimum of 2 words. This indicates the place of incorporation, including Country of incorporation of the Organization.


        New York, U.S.A.

      • Taxpayer Identification Number (code): This is a 10 digit number and is mandatory for Organizations incorporated in Russia.

      • Territory-linked Taxpayer Number (kpp): This is the Territory-linked Taxpayer number. This is a 9 digit number and is mandatory for Organizations incorporated in Russia.

      • Full Company Name: This is the legally registered company name, as mentioned in the Company Formation documents.

    • For Individual:

      • Registrant's Name (preferably in Russian)

      • Passport Information: This needs to include the Document number, Issued by, Issued Date of the Passport.

      • Birth Date: This needs to be entered as a numeric value in DD.MM.YYYY format.

  • The Company Name should have at least 2 words.

    If there is no associated Company, you may mention N A or Not Applicable for the Company Name. You will encounter the following error message, if values containing a single word such as NA or N/A are mentioned:


    Company Name should contain at least two words.

  • .RU Contacts do not support accented characters.

  • .RU domain names do not support REKANHOSTING.COM's Privacy Protection feature.

    Additional Information

    What is Privacy Protection?

  • Upon modifying the Contact details of a .RU domain name, you can not Transfer your domain name, until the below mentioned duration:

    • 2nd Level: 30 days

    • 3rd Level: 60 days

  • To modify the Contact Details other than the Phone, FAX, Email Address associated with a .RU domain name, documentation needs to be submitted to Registrar RU-Center.

  • The Bulk Modify and Bulk Privacy Protection features are not available for .RU domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Modify

    Bulk Privacy Protection


While Moving (pushing) your .RU domain name to another Customer Control Panel, your existing Registrant contact information is retained.

Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)

  • Each .RU domain name needs to have at least 2 Name Servers and may have upto 13 Name Servers.

  • You will only be able to add upto 13 Child Name Servers for .RU domain names. See details

  • You may associate upto 13 IP Address per Child Name Server.

  • In case of .RU domain names, all Child Name Servers that you create/add, are automatically associated with that .RU domain name as a Name Server. Due to this limitation, you will only be able to add upto 13 Child Name Servers for .RU domain names.

    The maximum number of Name Servers that can be associated with any .RU domain name is 13. If you have already added other Name Servers (not Child Name Servers of this .RU domain name), then the number of Child Name Servers that you may create would reduce by that many.


    • yourdomainname.ru

      Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourdomainname.ru and ns2.yourdomainname.ru

      These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers as well for this domain name: ns1.yourdomainname.ru and ns2.yourdomainname.ru

      This means that now for the domain name yourdomainname.ru, you may only add upto 11 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .RU domain name as a Name Server.

    • yourotherdomainname.ru

      Name Servers used: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com

      Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourotherdomainname.ru, ns2.yourotherdomainname.ru

      These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers for this domain name: ns1.yourotherdomainname.ru, ns2.yourotherdomainname.ru

      So in all 4 Name Servers will be associated with yourotherdomainname.ru: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com, ns1.yourotherdomainname.ru, ns2.yourotherdomainname.ru

      This means that now for the domain name yourotherdomainname.ru, you may only add upto 9 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .RU domain name as a Name Server.